Copyright Policy

Copyright 2022 by Shannon Miller. All rights reserved under Pan American and international copyright conventions.

The patterns and instructional packets are designed for the use of all artists. The projects created from this design may be painted for fun or for sale, provided designer is credited on each item. The designs may not be used as web graphics or mass produced in any form without a licensing agreement from Shannon Miller.

The line drawing may be mechanically reproduced on vellum or transparency once for personal use. No other portion of this instructional packet may be rewritten, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or digitally without written permission from Shannon Miller. 

Teachers are granted permission to teach the project but are required to purchase an instructional packet for each student. Wholesale pricing is available.

Shannon Miller has no control over the conditions surrounding the application of information presented and cannot guarantee results, nor will she be liable for any charges against the user for claims of copyright infringement.